

your success

Personal Fitness Lundholm


I’ve been working with Adrian of Lundholm Fitness for the past 7 years on and off. He has been instrumental in helping me lose approximately 80lbs and I was able to keep it off for several years. I had a health issue and couldn’t work out as much and then I stopped smoking and went to food as my go-to. I ended up putting all the weight I had lost back on. Just as I was getting back to working with Adrian Covid-19 hit and we stopped and well, that didn’t help me. Adrian pushes you but ensures the workouts are effective for you and ensure you do not get hurt. He is passionate about creating workouts that benefit you and your goals whether they are weight loss, strength, endurance or coming back from injury. I’m back working with Adrian again and very happy about it. He is also trying to help with my eating / nutrition issues. It is a good workout partnership that has developed. He is a positive person, knowledgeable and makes you sweat but have some fun too.

- Leslie M., Burnaby

Motivational Workout

A trainer is like a really good hairdresser; when you find the right person and you make a connection you stay with them.  I have had a number of trainers over the years and I have never lasted more than a year with them.  I have been working with Adrian for the last 8 years.  A good trainer understands their clientele, they have to understand what motivates the trainee, some clients just want to come in and get the job done and others are a little more relaxed with their workouts.  I am a creature of habit but that doesn't necessarily apply to my workouts.  If I am going to workout, I want it to be interesting or you will lose my attention and thankfully Adrian has made working out interesting.  Even when I think he's nuts and wants me to do an exercise that I think there is no way I can possibly do it or I don't want to do it, he figures out a way of getting me to do it and most times I can and I will and that is a credit to Adrian, as I am not always the easiest, especially if I really don't want to do something!

-  Renèe S., New Westminster

stronger at any age

Adrian has been my personal trainer for over six years.  I have attended group fitness classes for many years and when reaching my mid fifties I wanted a more personalized workout.  Adrian has helped me tone and strengthen my body through a combination of cardio and weight training.  He is very knowledgeable and always demonstrates proper alignment and technique to ensure a safe workout.  Each session is different and Adrian adapts the workouts as my needs change.   Two years ago I developed rheumatoid arthritis and had to take a couple months off personal training.  When I returned Adrian adapted my workouts to my abilities and we worked on improving my strength and stamina.  My doctor credits my regular workouts with a trainer for my steady recovery.  Adrian challenges me in every session but knows what I am capable of.
Adrian is very personable and genuinely cares about his clients well being.  I really appreciate all that Adrian has done for me and am grateful for the personalized effort he has put into the workouts to help me achieve my fitness goals.
- Donna L., Burnaby

stronger than ever

“Having been someone who never lifted weights before, I was skeptical of if I would like doing it or what kind of results I would achieve from it. But after a motorcycle race crash caused a shoulder injury, I couldn’t have been luckier to walk into a gym and meet Adrian. Not only am I way stronger than I ever could have imagined but I also love every session with him! His workouts are super challenging, never boring, and always fun. Thanks to Adrian, I’ve fully recovered from my injury, I’m hooked to the gym, and I’m winning more races than ever!”
- Shelby C., Coquitlam

you will work hard

I have been working with Amy also over the last couple of years, she has an infectious personality, which tends to lift your spirits.  I would definitely suggest doing her bootcamp style workout, it is never the same twice and she puts a lot of thought into making the workout interesting. Whether you do a private session or a group session with Amy you will work hard during your workout but at the end of session, there is nothing like getting a high-five for doing a great job.

- Renèe S., New Westminster

become stronger

“In my mid-50s I realized having a rarely used gym membership for the past 25 years was not helpful. I decided I needed a personal trainer for guidance and accountability if I wanted to see any improvements. I have been fortunate to work with Amy. She is knowledgeable, supportive and flexible and although very hard work and I don’t always feel like it, I know I am stronger and fitter as a result of her training.”

- Shannon G., Burnaby

innovative programs

I have trained with Adrian consistently since we met in 2012. Training with Adrian has enabled me to improve my fitness and meet my sport-specific goals. Adrian excels at creating innovative programs that will challenge your strengths and improve your weaknesses. He always has a positive attitude and will create a program tailored to your needs. I highly recommend Adrian for any client.
- Marcus T., Coquitlam


It seems as though I'd been dieting all my life. Losing weight, gaining it back plus some, losing weight again, etc., etc. This process of yo-yo dieting began while still in elementary school and continued until October 2014 at the age of 65, when I met Adrian at the gym I had joined.

I immediately felt comfortable with him! I started slow, only going on the day I was working out with him at first, but with his encouragement I was soon going twice/week, then 3 times, 4 times and sometimes 5 times per week.  

 It was a struggle in the beginning to motivate myself to even go to the gym.  I remember one day, when I seriously thought about quitting and texted Adrian.  It was his day off, but minutes later he arrived at the gym in his street clothes and patiently talked me through it.  That had a big impact on me!

 I continued the personal training sessions once per week, and by 2016 had lost a total of 38 pounds; 21 inches (just under 9 from my waist, 5 from my hips, 4 from my chest, and the rest from arms & legs). I went down 3 sizes from an 18 to 12.  I was much stronger, more flexible, healthier and not dieting! - just eating healthy!

After about 9 months, Adrian challenged me to do the Grouse Grind.  It would not have been in the realm of possibility before starting at the gym.  On October 4, 2015 I met this challenge and completed it!  It was scary and physically demanding but I did it. It was exhilarating!  

 I was able to maintain my weight until the fall of 2017 and slowly gained about 10 lbs.  Then Adrian challenges me to start running EVERY weekday morning as soon as I got up in the morning, no coffee, just get up, get dressed and hit the gym.  In addition, I went back in the afternoon 3 times a week to do weights and workout with him.  At the same time, I was diagnosed with very high blood glucose levels, and changed my already healthy diet, even more drastically.  The weight started to fall off and by August my glucose levels were totally normal.  I contribute this to both the diet and the running.  Again, through all of this Adrian was supportive and encouraging and helped me reorganize my diet with needed supplements.

 I felt more confident, happy, and proud of what I’d achieved.  So much so that I made a major change in my life and bought a house in a little town in the Niagara Region of Ontario.  I would never have had the confidence to do this before my fitness achievements!   After trying it for a year, I discovered that small town life is not for me and moved back to BC this past October and was excited to hear that he’d started his own business and immediately signed up!

-  Joanne C., New Westminster 


Amy is a dream. She's everything a trainer should be: knowledgeable, adaptable, caring, tough, and encouraging. She's such a champion for her clients. I've been working with Amy for a few years and it has impacted my life in such a positive way. Her passion for fitness is contagious. Training with Amy will change your life. 

-  Sam L., Coquitlam


I have worked with Adrian for a couple years now and I couldn’t imagine being on this fitness journey without him. Adrian is a motivator and always encourages me to push harder, while always respecting my strengths and limitations. Training with Adrian has helped me get in the best shape of my life – I feel stronger, healthier and happier! 

- Nancy G., Coquitlam